Hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of...
There are no foods that are scientifically proven to prevent genetic pattern baldness, but there are certainly foods that can help to grow thicker and stronger hair. Hair growth requires a balanced diet of vitamins and nutrients to grow healthy hairs. Eating a well-balanced healthy diet is key to keeping your body stocked with the vitamins and nutrients for healthy hair growth.
Frequent dieting can lead to your body being stripped and depleted of certain vitamins and nutrients that your body needs, and is therefore not recommended. A deficiency in any of the major vitamins or nutrients required for hair growth can lead to the quality of your hair decreasing and an increase in the level of shedding.
Below are guides to the key foods needed as part of your healthy diet to remain stocked on the vitamins and minerals your follicles need to grow healthy strong hairs.
Meat – Iron deficiency can lead to you experiencing hair thinning or hair loss, particularly in women. Iron is needed by your red blood cells transport oxygen around the body, including to your hair follicles. An iron deficiency can cause a drop in cellular respiration in your hair follicles. Iron deficiencies tend to be more prevalent in women and so they must take care to keep their iron levels high. Lean meats are also a key source of proteins that your body breaks down into amino acids and converts into Keratin to produce each hair follicle. People who observe vegetarian or vegan diets can be more susceptible to iron or protein deficiencies. It is important for them to eat lots of foods rich in both these to make up for the loss from not eating meats.
Eggs – Like meat, eggs are a good source of protein, but they are also a good source of Biotin (Vitamin B7). Biotin is used by the body to synthesise the production of Keratin. Biotin deficiencies are rarer than Iron, but they can lead to brittle hair or hair loss. It is believed that Biotin can also play a role in the prevention of your hair greying.
Beans & Lentils – While they are another source of both Iron and Biotin, they are also a good source of Zinc. Zinc plays a role in DNA and RNA production, and so is key to cell reproduction. A Zinc deficiency can lead to a breakdown of the protein structure of the hair follicle. Seafood’s are also a good source of Zinc
Dark Green Vegetables – Foods such as Spinach, Broccoli and Kale are full of Vitamins A & C, which are both important for healthy hair. Vitamin C is used in the building of collagen, a protein that makes up part of your hair. Vitamin C also helps the body to absorb iron. Collagen is needed for strong hair and promotes hair growth. Collagen is also used by your body to keep all the blood vessels in your body strong and healthy. Vitamin A is used by the body in sebum production. Sebum is an oil secreted through hair follicles, which protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infection. Sebum acts as a natural conditioner for your hair.
Avocados – A great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids aid to grow hair quickly and to create silky and shiny hair by moisturizing your hair. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in Salmon and Nuts